Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Laelia: January, Month 3

Well, it appears my plan of updating this blog in a timely manner has not worked out very well. I still have the desire to try, however, so here's another attempt to get up to speed. Laelia started giving us true smiles at about 8 weeks; and regular smiling response to us by 10 weeks. Her big achievement in month 3 was rolling over from front to back...purely by accident at first, but as she practiced, she figured it out, and now rolls over whenever she is placed on her belly! She started liking to play peek-a-boo, and it ties into the fact that she is very serious about taking everything in. She didn't talk much at 3 months, but stared at the world with wide eyes; definitely in receptive mode!! Here she is showing off those big eyes! Another thing Laelia likes is to watch the flames in the woodstove. This was early one morning, and she laid all swaddled up gazing at the flames for about a 1/2 hour.
Snoozing with Daddy is always great!

Practicing holding that head up!!
Hmmm...do you think she looks like me or Jeremy??? ;)
Sitting in the moose chair at the condo on Big Mountain, trying on her first swimsuit from Maga. She has yet to wear it swimming though.
Mia and Laelia, pretty in pink!
YES!! Her first season pass!! :)
Having a bottle with Daddy.
Her other favorite thing to do in January was to blow raspberries and bubbles. Constantly, all the time, back and forth with whomever would play with her! (Although not so frequently for the camera..this was my 5th try!)

1 comment:

  1. She'll figure out the camera soon enough! So precious!
