Tuesday, March 29, 2011

February: Month 4

February was a flurry of activity, and again, these are in no good order. Someday I'll figure out how to get the pics in chronological order, but that day is not today. Let's see, some highlights of the month: She giggled for the first time on Feb 16th when I kissed her cheeks, and then kept it up after that, and I kept waiting for that true laugh, the belly laugh...(but it didn't happen until March 9th, so stayed tuned for the next post!!) She weighed in at 14lbs, 4 oz on Feb 23rd...3 months and 3 weeks old, hanging out at the 91st percentile! Yikes, she's huge! Here she is wearing a 1980 Olympic track outfit that was Emily's and then mine, and sneakers that were Jeremy's! The cheeks keep getting better and better!

With her friends Hank and Kaia, at the weekly Mommy and Me music class I have at my house. We also have 2 other boys, Weston and Julian, who usually come with their moms, but they weren't here for the picture. I like the three kiddos on the couch!
Jeremy's parents and sister with kids came to visit at the beginning of February, and among other things we went for a snowshoe adventure.
Laelia with grandmas Mia and Maga.
Uncle Ted visited too!! The love was mutual.
First out of the womb Storyhill concert...here's Laelia with Chris and Johnny!
We had to stand outside the door once she fell asleep so the clapping wouldn't wake her, but the acoustics were phenomenal, so it was ok!
On her first chairlift ride to the summit. You'll have to take my word for it.
The Pappenfus 3 at Big Mountain Summit for the first time!
I barely held Laelia the whole time Ted was here!
Valentine's Day mini photo shoot...what greater love is there than a parent's love for a child?

Laughing at the cute girl in the mirror!

Rolling over tummy to back!

1 comment:

  1. I just spent the last half hour looking at your blog!! I love it! So glad to have caught up with you, Jeremy, & Laelia!! Love you!
