Friday, December 7, 2012

It's been a very long time since I have actually written a blog post.  I am not going to try and catch up on everything, but here are a few recent snippets of life with Laelia:

"I want to eat some more because I have some more eating in my belly."
"Is this my's?"
"Is Grampa your father, Mommy?"
"Mommy, stop!"  When she wants me to stop talking.
"I'm not a monkey, Mommy, I'm a girl!"  (Which sounds like 'gou-wul.')
"Are those piano kids coming now, Mommy?"
"I want to ski with Mommy and Daddy and Mia.  That will be so fun!" (I'm not kidding you.  She really said this.  Yes, I love it!)
"Is there snow, Mommy? Should we go out in it and make snow angels?"
"Bye Mom.  I'm going to work with Daddy.  I'll be back in a little bit."
"We should stay for 2 more minutes."

Laelia was a mountain goat for Halloween, completely her choice.  She loves them ever since seeing them in Glacier over the summer.  She was pretty darn cute, if I don't say so myself.

For her 2nd Birthday party we made Discovery Bottles.  (Discovery-a Bottles to Laelia!)  All her friends were able to make one by filling up a little water bottle with buttons, beads, sequins, ribbons, etc, and then adding water and food coloring.  It was pretty fun!  She figured out how to hold up 2 fingers about a week after her birthday, and is pretty proud of herself!

I'm proud to say that with the exception of sleeping, Laelia is diaper free!!  She's looking more and more like a big girl especially without the diaper, and is very excited each day to when we put on her undies!  Fun times. :)

She's very into building things, since she knows that Jeremy is building the new part of the house for us.  Last night at dinner she was using her sweet potato and chicken to build a house with doors, a bench, and owl and a penguin.

Well, a brief update.  Watch the videos of older posts to see her in action!

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