Sunday, June 10, 2012

So it's been a while since I actually wrote anything.  Here are some recent snippets of life with Laelia...

5:00am early morning conversation with the girl.
Laelia: "Tablets?"  (regarding teething tablets, which we were out of, and had been for a few days.  She knew this)
Mom: "They are all gone,  Laelia."
Laelia: "Buy more?"
Mom: "Yes, Laelia, we will have to buy more."
Laelia: "Store?"
Mom: "Yes, Laelia, we will go to the store to buy more."
Laelia: "Desdemona?"  (the name of our VW bus)
Mom: "Yes, Laelia, we will go in Desdemona to the store to buy more."
Yesterday Jeremy took Laelia outside to get the trailer attached to the bike while I got ready inside.  He also showed her his motorcycle, which he was working on, as it was broken.  When she was in the trailer, under the rain cover she kept saying something over and over, which I had difficulty understanding.  When I finally figured it out, I realized she was saying "Daddy's motorcycle broken."
She really likes "whole piles" of things.  Food, books, grass, flowers, dirt, it doesn't really matter.  She just says "whole pile" and looks for confirmation that she's right.  And she is.
She understands the concept of possession, and is often making sure we know the difference between "your mouth"  (she calls herself 'you', so the 'your' refers to herself) and "mommy's mouth" or "your stroller" and "Zoe's stroller" (one of her friends).  She recognizes places she goes to regularly, such as "Zoe's house" and "Weston's house" and "Mia's house."  In the case of Mia's house (my mom), she recognizes the turn of the highway and says, "Almost there!"
She's getting into dolls and other toys more as playthings now. Her cabbage patch doll from the 80's is dressed in a diaper, with two different shoes on, and Laelia often takes her out of her play stroller and puts her on the potty.  Sometimes head-first, but we'll get there.
Ok, that's all for now!

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