Monday, January 2, 2012

2012, Here We Come!

I'm not making any promises about blogging with increased frequency this year, but we'll see. Laelia continues to amaze us and bring more and more joy into our lives every day. For example, she's finally taking a decent nap today, and that brings me a lot of joy! ;) But seriously, she's awesome. She's walking, practically running, and refusing to crawl anymore, even to get something from under the table that she can't walk under. She's signing lots and lots, the big thing now is animal signs. We ticked her belly and armpits while saying, "ho0 hoo hee hee hee," for a monkey, and she doesn't say the sounds, but will mimic the motions when she sees a monkey. She raises her arms for an elephant's trunk, and slaps her leg for the alligator's snap-snap-snap-ing mouth. Animal sounds are fun to make too; snake, dog, cat, gerbils/hamster, bear, fish, sheep, penguin, cow, owl, train (yeah, not an animal, but it's in a zoo book we have, so we say it anyways) horse, and I'm sure there's others I can't remember right now.

Laelia has really enjoyed this last week with Jeremy being off work...she toddles down the hallway saying, "Dada" trying to get to his shop, and can open the door leading down the stairs. Today he's back at work, and I had to put up the baby gate to keep her away from looking for him. The concept of him being gone isn't quite there yet!

She enjoyed opening presents...all 3 days of it because she was so slow and deliberate with every one that she opened. She loves her baby doll and her books and her ball-track toy best. She's taken to reading books on her own, and today I told her she should read baby, so I helped her hold baby on her lap, and then set a book on the floor in front of her. She looked at baby, and the book, and then picked up baby and tossed her aside before reading her book! It's totally fine with me that she prefers books!

I'll post more soon, there are some cute videos to see!

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