Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer is over!!

Well, apparently I'm bad at updating the blog. Here's a quick update, sans photos.

June: Lots of smiles, very good at sitting, and starting to crawl! She worked hard at crawling, first rocking back and forth on her hands and knees for a while, then going backwards for a while, and finally going forward, officially for the first time on June 14, right at 7 1/2 months old. She looked to Rekawae for the 4 legged inspiration. She had her first time in a pool (LOVED it), her first unidentifiable rash (it cleared up fine), her first time sitting at a table (she banged her mesh bag of food as if she was playing the drums), her first Father's Day (she gave Jeremy an "I love Daddy" shirt), her first wedding, and her first ride in a Bobcat with Jeremy. She continued to love being outside, and is very excited to see animals of all kinds, but especially dogs. We've been telling Rekawae for a long time that if she just gives Laelia time she'll have a fun playmate, and that day gets closer and closer!

July: The beginning of July brought Laelia's first camping and climbing trip. We took off in Desdemona for the Kookcanusa for a night over the 4th weekend. Other than not going to bed until Jeremy and I did, she did great! We camped on a stream which was still VERY cold, but Laelia splashed all around in it anyways. The next day we went climbing, with Laelia in the backpack or Bumbo, and she was a trooper while Jeremy and I took turns climbing. I think next summer will find Laelia strapped in to a harness and climbing herself! The next adventure was a little summer skiing up at Logan Pass in Glacier. Mom and I took Laelia up on a chilly day (it was July 15th, but only about 45 degrees out) and hiked up to ski. She was laughing in the backpack on the way down. That's my girl!! She grew to love her pool and swimming in the lake this month too.

August: Another month of adventures! More skiing (yes, you read that right--we skiied two days in August, including my birthday!!), her first long hike (12 miles and she was awesome), her first boat ride, another camping trip, lots of play dates with her little friends, crawling up a storm, climbing stairs, eating lots of food, going to the Minnesota State Fair, and on and on I could go. She still loves being outside, and gets a smile on her face when I put my sunglasses on; I guess she knows what's coming! She loves chasing Rekawae around the house, either in our arms, or crawling after her on the floor. She vocalizes a lot, the "ah" sounds, mostly Dadada, rahrahrah, and bababa. She used to say mamama, but seems to have stopped. She can sign "more," "All done," waves goodbye and gives kisses. Yep, the wet, open mouth variety. She loves to point to people's noses, and sometimes eyes. She is interested in everything, and goes around with her mouth in an "o" formation a lot, saying what sounds like, "Ohwow!" It's pretty cute, if I don't say so myself.

September: We spent 2 weeks in MN visiting Jeremy's family. She learned to growl like a bear and meow like a kitten. She mostly growls for all animal sounds now, despite Maga Ruthie's attempt to get the meow down. We visited Duluth, where she watched the sun rise over Lake Superior (and of course she put her feet in the lake!) She attended her first out of the womb Storyhill Fest, went for another boat ride, went to her first zoo ( it was a huge hit!) and spent wonderful amounts of time with her MN grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. We're back home now, and getting into the swing of daily piano lessons, which Laelia thinks is all about her, of course.

Here's a couple links to Facebook albums. You should not have to log into FB to view these, just click on the link and hopefully you'll see Little Miss Laelia in all her cuteness.




Laelia plays the piano!

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