Sunday, May 29, 2011

And now for your viewing pleasure...

It's time for some action shots!! Laelia is a bundle of wiggles. She never stops moving. I'm actually a little frightened about what life will be like once she's crawling. Currently she is not crawling, but still is moving around a lot. I'll put her on her tummy in the middle of the rug, and in no time she's made it to the edge. She goes in a circle, and is fast! She is able to get up on her hands and kness and rocks back and forth, but when she goes back down to her tummy, she's moved back instead of forward. She's starting to get frustrated a little bit that she can't figure out how to move directly forward. It's entertaining for sure.

This is when we had sun. We enjoyed it to the fullest...Laelia maybe more than me, since she was working on her full body tan!

Laelia loves it when we jump out at her, or she jumps out at us...this video isn't the best as I was jumping while taking it, but you get the idea of how funny she thinks it is.

This is the one of the most recent videos of Laelia, taken May shows off her many abilities: Circle spinning, rug edge lifting, lip buzzing, and throat growling to name a few.

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