Thursday, October 20, 2011

A New Tooth!

Well, just a quick update...Laelia's 3rd tooth arrived today, her first up top, and it snuck in without me realizing, because I kept checking the bottom! She's no longer the two-toothed wonder.

Let's see, what else is new...She stands on her own for quite a while now, often clapping for herself! She loves to walk all around the room via the furniture, but has only taken single steps completely alone, and even then not that often.

She loves to try on my engagement ring, and promptly gives it back. She's very good at sharing as long as she keeps getting the item back when she asks for it. And she signs, "please," for everything, and is starting to realize that just saying please doesn't me she gets everything she asks for! Anyways, she holds up her pointer finger and I slip the ring on, then she says, "Wow," and takes it off carefully to hand it back to me. This goes on about 10 times before she started shaking her hand all around trying to throw it on the ground.

Speaking of throwing things, she LOVES to throw Rekawae's toys for her. And she throws them down with enthusiasm...the only problem is they land right at her feet where Rekawae dropped them off to begin with, but the dog is picking up on the fact that the girl will be a fun playmate!

Less than two weeks now until the big ONE! Stay tuned for some videos soon!

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